Spoštovane stanovalke, spoštovani stanovalci

sporočamo vam, da bo v sredo dne 9. 3. 2022 potekala splošna stavka v visokem šolstvu in ta dan v referatu za študentske zadeve ne bo uradnih ur.

Hvala za razumevanje in lepo vas pozdravljamo.

Mag. Maja Krajnc Ružič
Direktorica Študentskih domov UM

Dear students,

We would like to inform you that a general strike in higher education will take place on Wednesday, 9th of March 2022, and there will be no
office hours in the Student Affairs Office on that day.

Thank you for your understanding.

Mag. Maja Krajnc Ružič
Director of Student Dormitories of UM