

obveščamo vas, da bosta Restavracija v Domu 16 in kuhinja, Gosposvetska c. 89, 2000 Maribor, ZAPRTA, od 29. 6. 2024 do vključno 1. 9. 2024.


ODPRTA bo ponovno 2. 9. 2024.


Hvala za razumevanje.

Lepo pozdravljeni.


Borut Gaber, univ. dipl. ekon.,

direktor UM ŠD



Dear guests,


we are informing you that the Restaurant at Dorm 16 and the kitchen, Gosposvetska c. 89, 2000 Maribor, will be CLOSED, from 29th of June 2024 until 1st of September 2024.


Thank you for your understanding.

Best regards.


Director of UM SD

Borut Gaber univ.dipl.ekon.